Vaughan Civil Pty Ltd - Bondi Junction, NSW
- Address
Suite 2, 422 Oxford Street, Bondi Junction, NSW 2022, suite 2/95-97 Grafton St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022, Australia
BONDI JUNCTION, NSW, 2022 - Website
Items Supplied By This Dealer
Concrete Cutting / Saw
Concrete Grinder / Chisel
Concrete Mixer
Pump / Shotblaster
Concrete Vibrator
Laser Screed / Trowel
Misc. Concrete Equipment
Speed Advisory Sign
Portable Traffic Light
Variable Message Sign
Bollards / Cable Hump / Plating
Safety Equipment
6 - 10 Tonne Excavator
Cable Hauling
11,000 - 20,000 Litre Water Truck
21,000 - 30,000 Litre Water Truck
Concrete Line Pump
Concrete Batching Plant
Clean Water Pump
Self Priming Pump
Multi Stage Pump
Slurry Pump
Long Reach Excavator
Vacuum Excavator
Kerb / Concrete Edging Machine
Trencher Attachment
Tine / Ripper Attachment
Shear / Grinder / Crusher Attachment
Saw Attachment
Rock Breaker / Hammer Attachment
Misc. Attachment
GPS System Attachment
Bucket Attachment
Broom / Sweeper / Leveller Attachment
Blade Attachment
Auger Attachment
Compaction Attachment
Hi-Rail Equipment
Rubber Tyred Excavator
Hi-Rail Access Equipment
Telescopic Clamshell Excavator
11 - 15 Tonne Excavator
16 - 20 Tonne Excavator
21 - 25 Tonne Excavator
26 - 30 Tonne Excavator
31 - 35 Tonne Excavator
36 - 40 Tonne Excavator
41 - 45 Tonne Excavator
46 - 50 Tonne Excavator
Wheeled Excavator
0 - 1.5 Tonne Mini Excavator
1.6 - 2.5 Tonne Mini Excavator
2.6 - 5.9 Tonne Mini Excavator
Boom Pump
Welding Equipment
Poly Welder
Hybrid Excavator
Walk-Behind Trencher
Tracked Trencher
Cable Laying Equipment
Pipe Laying Equipment
Miscellaneous Trenching Equipment
Rotary Cutter
Barrier Mesh
Concrete Barrier
Crash Barrier
0 - 5,000 Litre Hydro / Vacuum Excavation Truck
6,000 - 10,000 Litre Hydro / Vacuum Excavation Truck
11,000 + Litre Hydro / Vacuum Excavation Truck
High Rail Set
Zero Swing Excavator
Offset Boom Excavator
Knuckle Boom Excavator
6 - 10 Tonne Knuckle Boom Excavator
11 - 15 Tonne Knuckle Boom Excavator
2.6 - 5 Tonne Rubber Tyred Excavator
11 - 15 Tonne Rubber Tyred Excavator
16 - 20 Tonne Rubber Tyred Excavator
Mini Excavator
Arc / Tig Inverter Welding
Mig & Arc Welder
Oxy Acetylene Welding / Cutting
Vacuum Pipe Lifting Attachment
Cable Laying Equipment
Dry Hire
Vacuum Excavation (SUPPLY)
Water Trucks
Dry Hire
Vacuum Excavation (SUPPLY)
Water Trucks
Hydro / Vacuum Excavation Truck
Mechanical and Electrical
Mechanical and Electrical
Confidentiality Agreement
Confidentiality Agreement
Categories Supplied By This Dealer
- 0 - 1.5 Tonne Mini Excavator
- 0 - 5,000 Litre Hydro / Vacuum Excavation Truck
- 1.6 - 2.5 Tonne Mini Excavator
- 11 - 15 Tonne Excavator
- 11 - 15 Tonne Knuckle Boom Excavator
- 11 - 15 Tonne Rubber Tyred Excavator
- 11,000 + Litre Hydro / Vacuum Excavation Truck
- 11,000 - 20,000 Litre Water Truck
- 16 - 20 Tonne Excavator
- 16 - 20 Tonne Rubber Tyred Excavator
- 2.6 - 5 Tonne Rubber Tyred Excavator
- 2.6 - 5.9 Tonne Mini Excavator
- 21 - 25 Tonne Excavator
- 21,000 - 30,000 Litre Water Truck
- 26 - 30 Tonne Excavator
- 31 - 35 Tonne Excavator
- 36 - 40 Tonne Excavator
- 41 - 45 Tonne Excavator
- 46 - 50 Tonne Excavator
- 6 - 10 Tonne Excavator
- 6 - 10 Tonne Knuckle Boom Excavator
- 6,000 - 10,000 Litre Hydro / Vacuum Excavation Truck
- Acoustic/Noise Walls
- Airport Electrical
- Airport Lighting
- Arc / Tig Inverter Welding
- Asphalt Coating (Printing, Coating, Thermoplastic
- Asphalt Laying
- Asphalt Supply
- Asphalt Supply and Install
- Auger Attachment
- Barrier Mesh
- Basement Excavation
- Bases
- Batch Plant
- Batch Plant
- Below Ground Drainage
- Below Ground Service Installations
- Below Ground Utilities Diversions
- Blade Attachment
- Bollards / Cable Hump / Plating
- Boom Pump
- Bore and Well Drilling
- Bored Pier Piling
- Boring & Directional Drilling
- Boring & Tunneling
- Boring and Directional Drilling
- Boring, Jacking, HDD - Horizontal Directional Drilling
- Broom / Sweeper / Leveller Attachment
- Bucket Attachment
- Bulk Cable Supply
- Bulk Earthworks
- Bulk Earthworks
- Bulk Steel supply
- CFA Piling
- Cable Laying Equipment
- Cable Pits
- Caissons
- Chemical Pumps & Monitors
- Civil
- Civil Engineer
- Civil Pipe and Irrigation
- Civil drainage
- Civil plumbing
- Civil, environmental and geotechnical engineering
- Cladding - GRC
- Cladding - Metal
- Clean Water Pump
- Clearing & Grubbing
- Clearing & Grubbing
- Clearing - Tree & Vegetation
- Combiner Box Supply
- Commercial Electrical
- Comms
- Communications - Cabling
- Compaction Attachment
- Concrete
- Concrete Barrier
- Concrete Barrier Works
- Concrete Batch Plant (Supply & Operate)
- Concrete Batching Plant
- Concrete Civil Services
- Concrete Curing
- Concrete Cutting / Saw
- Concrete Cutting / Sawing
- Concrete Grinder / Chisel
- Concrete Line Pump
- Concrete Mixer
- Concrete Placing
- Concrete Repair & Sawcutting
- Concrete Repair / Remedial Works
- Concrete Vibrator
- Concrete Waterproofing
- Concrete repair
- Conduit
- Construction
- Contract Works Insurance
- Contracted Services - General
- Contracted Services - Mixed
- Conveying Equipment
- Conveying Equipment
- Council Landfill Sites, Recycled Water Plants
- Crash Barrier
- Crushing and Screening
- Culvert Rehabilitation
- Culverts, Wingwalls and Ditches
- Curtain Walling
- Decontamination / Remediation
- Deep Soil Mixing (CFA Piles)
- Delineator
- Demolition (Civil)
- Demolition - Asbestos Removal
- Demolition - General
- Demolition Works
- Detailed Earthworks
- Detailed Earthworks
- Dewatering
- Diaphragm Walls
- Dicl Pipes
- Dilapidation Survey
- Directional Drilling / Underboring
- Dowel Installation
- Downpipes & Gutters
- Drainage
- Drainage
- Drainage Civil Works
- Drainage Installation
- Dredging
- Dredging
- Drill & Blast
- Drilling & Blasting
- Drilling / Blasting
- Driven Piling
- Driven Piling
- Dry Hire
- Dust suppression
- Early Works Consultant
- Earth Retaining Walls / MSE Walls
- Earthmoving & Excavation
- Earthmoving Contractors
- Earthworks
- Electrical
- Electrical - Supplies
- Electrical - Lighting & Traffic Light
- Electrical Engineer
- Electrical and Street Lighting
- Electricity
- Engineering
- Engineering Design, Environmental Consulting and Geotech Services
- Environmental Services
- Epoxy Coatings
- Erosion control
- Expansion Joints
- Expansion Joints (Bridges)
- Fabrication and Erection - Galvanised
- Façade Supply
- Fencing
- Fencing supply and install
- Fibre Optic
- Fill Supply
- Finishes
- Fire
- Fire Protection
- Fire Protection
- Fire Services
- Fire mitigation
- Form, Reo, Pour Contractors
- Form-Reo-Pour
- Formwork
- Formwork
- Formwork
- Formwork
- Formworkers
- Foundations
- Friction Piling
- Friction Piling
- Full Earthmoving Package
- Furnishings
- GPS System Attachment
- Gantry Steel Supply & Install
- Gas Reticulation - Install
- General Earthworks Subcontract
- General Solid Wasteand Rubbish Removal
- Geotechnical Services
- Geotextile Installation
- Groundworks
- Grp Pipes
- HDPE (Install)
- HDPE Pipes
- HV Commissioning
- HV and LV Installation
- Hand Piling
- Hand Piling
- Harmonic Filter
- Harness Wiring Supply
- Hi-Rail Access Equipment
- Hi-Rail Equipment
- High Rail Set
- High Voltage Works
- Hybrid Excavator
- Hydraulic
- Hydraulics
- Hydraulics Services
- Hydro mulching
- Hydromulch
- Hydroseeding
- Incremental Bridge Launching
- Industrial Electrical
- Industrial Relations
- Infrastructure Services
- Insitu Stabilising
- Intelligent Transport Systems - ITS
- Kerb Works
- Kerbing
- Knuckle Boom Excavator
- LV and HV hire
- Labour Hire
- Land clearing
- Landscaping Electrical
- Laser Screed / Trowel
- Launching Truss (Bridges)
- Lighting, temporary and permanent
- Line marking
- Locations / Vacuum Excavation
- Long Reach Excavator
- MV Station Supply
- Machine Placed Concrete Pavement
- Major Plant Hire
- Major Works
- Marine Structures
- Marker Tape
- Material Processing and Handling Equipment
- Materials & Durability
- Mechanical
- Mechanical Engineer
- Metals
- Mig & Arc Welder
- Mini Excavator
- Minor Works
- Misc. Attachment
- Misc. Concrete Equipment
- Miscellaneous Trenching Equipment
- Monitoring - Water, Air, Noise, Vibration
- Multi Stage Pump
- Noise Walls
- O&M Building
- Offset Boom Excavator
- Oxy Acetylene Welding / Cutting
- PV Array Electrical Insall
- PV Moudules
- Paving (blocks)
- Paving (roadbase)
- Permanent Road Construction
- Permanent Road Construction
- Pile Install
- Pile Supply
- Pile Trimming
- Piling
- Piling
- Piling - Bored
- Piling - CFA
- Piling - Diaphragm Wall
- Piling - Driven
- Piling - Friction
- Piling - Mini Piles
- Piling - Precast
- Piling - Screw Piles
- Piling - Secant
- Piling - Sheet Piles
- Pipe & Cable Supports
- Pipe Installation
- Pipe Jacking
- Pipe Laying
- Pipe Laying Equipment
- Pipe Plugs (Supply)
- Pipe Rehabilitaion
- Pipe and fittings supply
- Pipeline and electrical trenching
- Pipework Installation
- Pits, Lids & Culvert Builders
- Plant Dry and Wet Hire
- Plumbing
- Pollution and Waste Control Equipment
- Poly Welder
- Portable Traffic Light
- Post-Tensioning
- Potholing
- Power Supply (Design, Supply & Install)
- Power Supply Systems
- Power Transmission Poles
- Pre-cast reinforced concrete materials
- Precast - Barriers
- Precast - Noise Walls
- Precast Concrete - Box Culverts
- Precast Concrete - Bridge Beams
- Precast Concrete - Pipes
- Precast Concrete - Pits/Headwalls
- Precast Concrete - Structures
- Precast Concrete Barriers
- Process Gas and Liquid Handling, Purification, and Storage Equipment
- Process Heating, Cooling, and Drying Equipment
- Profiling of Asphalt
- Programme / Schedule
- Pump / Shotblaster
- Pumps
- Pumps / Stand Alone Pump Stations
- Quality Management
- Quality Management
- Quantity Surveyor
- R1 & R2 Testing Consultant
- Rail CSR
- Recreational Equipment (SUPPLY & INSTALL)
- Reinforcement and Steel Fixing
- Reinforcements
- Residential Electrical
- Retaining Walls
- Retaining Walls
- Retaining Walls- Installation
- Revetment Walls (Supply & Install)
- Roadworks
- Rock Anchors / Soil Nails
- Rock Blasting
- Rock Breaker / Hammer Attachment
- Roofing
- Rotary Cutter
- Rubber Tyred Excavator
- Safety Barriers, Signs, Bollards
- Saw Attachment
- Scada and Controls Supply
- Scaffolding
- Screw Piling
- Screw Piling
- Seal
- Security/CCTV
- Self Priming Pump
- Services
- Services and Utilities
- Sewer Main (Supply & Install)
- Sewer Reticulation - Installation
- Shear / Grinder / Crusher Attachment
- Sheet Piles
- Sheet Piles - Supply
- Sheet Piling
- Sheet Piling
- Shotcrete
- Shotcrete
- Shotcreting
- Site Cut
- Site Remediation and Rehabilitation
- Site Works
- Slurry Pump
- Soil Stabilisation
- Specialised - Building Services
- Specialty Hire
- Speed Advisory Sign
- Spoil Management
- Spoil Removal
- Steel
- Steel Fabrication
- Steel Fixing
- Steel Liners
- Steel Pipes
- Steel supports
- Stormwater Pump Stations
- Stressing Strands
- Stripping / Breakback Piles
- Structural
- Structural Steel Contractor
- Structural Steel Supply
- Structural Steel Supply & Install
- Sub-Soil Drainage Installation
- SubcontractSupply and Install
- Subsoil Drainage - Install
- Subsoil Drainage Pipes
- Subsoil Installation
- Supply & Install Piles
- Supply - Asphalt
- Supply - Barriers - General / Slipform
- Supply - Bridge Bearings
- Supply - Cross Heads
- Supply - Culverts
- Supply - Fixings - Specialist
- Supply - HV Electrical Equipment
- Supply - Hydraulic Equipment
- Supply - Precast - Architectural Panels
- Supply - Precast - Barriers
- Supply - Precast - Bridge Beams
- Supply - Precast - Earth Retaining Walls / MSE Walls
- Supply - Precast - General
- Supply - Precast - Hollowcore Flooring
- Supply - Precast - Noise Walls
- Supply - Precast - Pipes
- Supply - Precast - Pits
- Supply - Precast - Stairs
- Supply - Precast - Tunnel Segments
- Supply - Prefabricated Buildings
- Supply - Prefabricated Structures
- Supply - Site Fence & Security
- Supply - Transformers / Switchgear
- Supply Precast Piles
- Supply Stabilising Agents (Cement or Lime)
- Supply Steel Piles
- Survey
- Survey
- Surveying
- Surveying
- Sustainability
- Switchboards / Construction Wiring
- Telecommunications
- Telecommunications
- Telescopic Clamshell Excavator
- Temp Works Design
- Temporary Road Construction
- Temporary Road Construction
- Temporary Works Engineer
- Testing
- Testing & Commissioning
- Thermal and Moisture Protection
- Tine / Ripper Attachment
- Track Contractors
- Tracked Trencher
- Tracker Install
- Tracker Supply
- Traffic Controller Hire
- Traffic Management
- Traffic Management
- Traffic Management Plans
- Traffic Signals
- Traffic Signals And ITS
- Traffic Work Design
- Transport & Install Piles
- Trencher Attachment
- Trenching
- Trenching
- Tunnelling
- Turf
- UPVC Pipes
- Underboring
- Underpinning
- Utilities
- Utilities
- Utilities - Water
- Utility and Mapping Equipment
- Vacuum Excavation
- Vacuum Excavation (SUPPLY)
- Vacuum Excavator
- Vacuum Pipe Lifting Attachment
- Valves
- Variable Message Sign
- Vertical Boring
- Walk-Behind Trencher
- Water
- Water / Sewer Install Only
- Water / Sewer Supply & Install
- Water Trucks
- Water and Wastewater Equipment
- Water/Sewerage Treatment Plant
- Waterway and Marine Construction
- Welding Equipment
- Wet hire plant
- Wetlands, Process and Environmental Dams
- Wheeled Excavator
- Wood, Plastics, and Composites
- Zero Swing Excavator