Laka Civil & Plant Hire - Gawler Belt, SA
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Residential subdivisions in both suburban and country areas. Installation of Sewers, drains, water mains, electrical, gas, telephone infrastructure. Construction of access roads, pathways, footpaths, kerbing, spoon drains. Traffic management certification.
Wastewater and Stormwater
Infrastructure construction of water & sewer mains, pumping stations, wastewater treatment plants, wetlands, dredging, marinas and detention basins for private or public sectors.
Construction of dams and earth storage structures for industry and agriculture.
Industrial and Commercial
Civil earthworks, site demolitions, asbestos removal, bulk earthworks, drainage infrastructure, Level 1 site preparations, Laser levelling and compaction testing.
Site Remediation
Excavation and removal of contaminated soils to certified waste depots.
Import of replacement fill.
Asbestos Removal
Working with asbestos requires extensive knowledge, extreme caution and attention to detail. We have in place stringent management systems to ensure the health and safety of all personnel involved with our projects. Procedures are in place to ensure we meet health and safety requirements including Air Monitoring, Protective clothing & Respiratory protection.
All personnel are trained in the safe handling of asbestos.
Laka owns and operates a modern fleet of earthmoving and construction equipment including Semi Tippers, small tip trucks, 1.5 > 30 Tonne Excavators, Loaders, Dozers, Graders, Bobcats, Water Carts, Rollers, Compaction equipment, crushers as well as specialist equipment. Our graders are installed with UTS and GPS systems.
All items of plant are maintained to the highest standards ensuring compliance with all operational safety considerations. Laka employs skilled and motivated operators who are trained to the highest Industry standards.
Plant Hire
All items of plant are available for wet or dry hire.
Items Supplied By This Dealer
Categories Supplied By This Dealer
- 0 - 1.5 Tonne Mini Excavator
- 11 - 15 Tonne Smooth Drum Roller
- 11,000 - 20,000 Litre Water Truck
- 120, 130, 140, 160 Grader (or equivalent)
- 20 + Tonne Tipper Truck (Single Body / Bogie)
- 26 - 30 Tonne Excavator
- Backhoe
- Bucket Attachment
- Compaction Attachment
- GPS System Attachment
- IT Loader
- Rock Breaker / Hammer Attachment
- Saw Attachment
- Truck & Dog
- Wheeled Skid Steer