Camsons - Minchinbury, NSW
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Delivering reliable service in quarry products and bulk transport…
Camsons will pursue, consistently, a policy of continuous improvement in its activities as a business entity, as an employer and as a corporate citizen. The aim of the Company will always be to influence higher standards in its industry and in its own workplace with regard to safety, customer and employee satisfaction, our natural environment and Australian society.
Camsons Minchinbury
Our modern office and purpose built transport yard is strategically located at 26-28 Eddie Road, Minchinbury in Western Sydney with easy access to major transport routes.
Our Head office provides administration, accounts, allocations, sales and workshop support, to both our employees and customers. Our highly trained administration and accounts staff utilise our equipped administration system, in order to assist in answering basic questions without the need to transfer your call. All of our staff are well trained in their area of expertise and available to assist in answering any areas of concern as they arise.
Camsons employees are highly trained in the requirements of the industries we service. By using this knowledge and insight we provide superior service to our customers allowing us to anticipate their requirements and solve any transport or supply issues.
The allocations section is well versed with the requirements of the industry. We believe that communication with customers and their allocations personnel is paramount to the success of a job. With this in mind, we can ensure that all requests will be dealt with appropriately. When situations arise that require diverting of loads and re-allocating of loads you can be assured that we will make great efforts to accommodate the issue. Our knowledge of the industry is an advantage when such problems arise.
The allocations staff, customer service, and maintenance staff are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, our management team may be contacted on Public Holidays if required to ensure we provide service to our customers when our customers need it.
In order for Camsons to remain a leader in the transport industry, we are continually making efforts to improve our systems. The professionalism we demand from our employees means the systems they use must be continually improved and upgraded to the best technology available.